Welcome to:
Havenwood Holt
Welcome! This is a small home page
for an off-line Elfquest Fan Club (Holt) that is presently running an Elfquest
Role-Playing Game via Snail Mail. This site contains a some information
about the game and how to begin to play.
For those of you that
have no idea what Elfquest is... I can only say that you should go to www.elfquest.com. This is the official website
and should explain a lot of it. And if it doesn't, it will at least give
you an idea of what our role-play is based on.
The role-play mainly deals
with the elves in Havenwood Holt and the World of Two Moons that they live
For thoses of you who
don't know (yes, this is a frequent question...) Snail mail based means
that post office mailing addresses are used. If you have any questions about
this or wish further information on how this works in Havenwood Holt, you
can email the Havenwood Holt president and she should be able to help you...but
then, that's what she says she's there for!
Havenwood is an open Holt,
which means that anyone who wishes, may join. Since it is snail-mail based,
the playing turns do take a little longer than if you played via email.
Post office ships mail at a longer time than the instantanious moments of
email... but that has an advantage. You get that time to think through all
the possiblities of what your character does or how best to get your character
out of any trouble that he/she has gotten into.
Since September 8, 1999 visitors
viewed this site.
If you have any questions or problems with this website, please
contact the Webweaver.
last updated 1/11/01
removed from main cerculation 8/01/01. |