The Rules
The Characters
Message Board
and Sign Guest Book.
Newbie Helper
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This Free Site Maintained by
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Havenwood Holt
Rules of the Game
The Game Rules
This game uses the Elfquest Role-Playing
Rules printed by the Chaosium Inc. Company (and as such is copywritted for
use only with the role-playing!). If you don't own or have access to a copy
of the Rules Book, the fan club president will forward a copy of these rules
for use in the role-playing game.
Disclamer: Elfquest
and all it's characters are copyrighted by Wendy and Richard Pini!! We thank
them for allowing us to play in their world. :)
Elfquest art © 1977-2000
Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related
indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics,
Inc. All rights reserved.
The Game Setting
The game is set on the World of 2 Moons
in an Alternate universe. It is centered on a splinter tribe of Wolfriders,
that have been driven by an unstoppable plague to find a new home.
There are a few things that you will have
to do in order to Join Havenwood Holt.
- Decide what you want to play. Elf, Human,
or Troll.
- Are you going to Adopt a Character for
play or Design your own.
- Choose which of the Tribes you want
your Character to come from.
- Decide which Membership Status you want.
- Email Jennifer with the below information.
- Subject: Havenwood Holt Member Submission.
- Your real name.
- Your Post Office mailing address.
- What you want to play.
- Whether you want to Adopt a character
or wish to Design your own.
- Which Tribe your character comes from.
- If you are Adopting, Send in the Name
and the Tribe that the Character is listed under.
- What Membership Status that you want.
- Your Email address.
- Await a response.
Please note that this club is a Snail
Mail Based Role-Playing Club! For you to play with us or for you to receive
a Holt Fanzine, we need your real name and Post Office mailing address.
We will not give this information to anyone outside of the
Here are the Membership Statuses to choose from for Havenwood Holt.
- You can be a FREE member.
- you receive ONLY the Gaming Newsletters.
- You can become a SUBSCRIBING member.
- you Order the Havenwood Holt Fanzine
--$5.00 per Issue.
- and receive the Free Gaming Newsletter.
- You can become an ACTIVE member.
- you contribute 3 pieces of original
work (Minimum) per year to the Holt Fanzine.
- you Order the Havenwood Holt Fanzine--$5.00
per Issue
- you can (Meaning that you don't Have
to) order the Holt Character Profile Guide - $30.00.
- you receive all Membership Updates,
Special Events Notices, and the Gaming Newsletters.
Because of the Cost of being a SUBSCRIBING Member and an ACTIVE Member;
we request that if you are under age that you ask permission of your Parents
or Gaurdians!!
Membership Responsibilities
- A Member may have as many characters,
in the Role Playing via Snail Mail Game, as they can comfortably maintain
and keep active.
- For the purpose of writing stories about
Havenwood Holt and specific Elves in the Holt, all members must have permission
of the person that a character belongs to before adding that character
to their story.
- If you are planning to Damage, Seriously
Damage (lose of arm or eye), another members' Character, in your story,
You MUST HAVE the permission of the person that the character belongs to!
You would be required to contribute at
least 3 pieces of original work per year in any form or combination you
choose. Examples would be:
- one story and 2 pieces of artwork
- one story, one poem, and one piece of
- or one piece of artwork and two poems.
Writers and Artists are needed for the next issue of the Havenwood Holt's
Havenwood Holt's Website is in
the process of being changed.
If you have any questions or problems with this website, please
contact the Webweaver. |