Everwood Holt

Game Info
Message Board

Holt Chatter

Email Brightpaw





 Game Information

Hello everyone and welcome to my Game Informational Page!

As was mentioned on the Welcome page to the Holt, I'll be using the rules from the Official Elfquest Role Playing Rules Book that was published by Chaosium Inc.

If you are unfamiliar with this system or with Role Playing in general; don't worry, the emails will be in a story format. This way you can simply describe what you want your character to 'attempt' to do and the Game Master (behind the scenes co-ordenator, game system operator and last word/law.) will see if that happens. If you want to handle the details yourself, or dont' know the system now and would like to, you can email me and I'll help you out.

Also, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Elfquest, please go to the Elfquest Official Home page. It may not answer all your questions, but it will give you an idea of what the game is based on.

Once a game scenerio has ended, I will be placing it upon the website.


  • Races in the Game
  • Game Setting
  • Finished Scenes
  • Role-Playing